Our Founder


Meet the man with the vision

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ."  Colossians 3:23-24

Hey guys, it's Jason Howard of J.H. Home Improvement. People often ask me why I work so hard and, also, why at J.H. Home Improvement we strive to do our best and to provide outstanding value to our clients. For the average guy, his why may be that he wants to provide a better life for his family and I'm not judging that. That's a good thing and it lines up with our core values at J.H. Home Improvement. But for me, I believe that I have a purpose to bring my Creator glory through my work and this is perhaps what sets my work apart from the rest. I see everything that I do as a having lasting eternal value, so when I'm patching your wall or building your new family room, I'm focused on doing the best that I can possibly do and it shows. We have many satisfied clients at J.H. Home Improvement. Read what some of them are saying on our testimonial page and, also, on Facebook and on Google.
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